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Lost wax Steel Investment Casting for Automotive Industry

Industry News November 26,2022 管理员 609

automotive is one of the common applications thatlost wax steel investmentcasting served. since vehicles require complex shapes and sizes for different parts of the vehicle, it is almost mandatory to use lost wax steel investment casting. due to the precise accuracy of this process, the need for further machining is practically non-existent. this alone saves an exuberant amount of time and money for the manufacturing of automotive parts.
the lost wax steel investment casting process provides greater accuracy with a high degree of design flexibility and allows for complex designs with intricate features. the investment casting process provides superb surface finish which allows customers to better manage production costs with little to no machining required.
olymfoundry is the leading supplier of lost waxsteel casting components, and we are accustomed to working to the just-in-time supply requirements of the automotive ,olymconsistently meets the industry’s most stringent quality standards and tolerances.
olymproduces steel cast automotive parts with oemlost wax investment castingservices globally, manufacturing precision stainless steel components utilizing most advanced investment casting technology. our one-stop solution supports our customers from design, tooling, and pre-production stages, as well as full-scale manufacturing.
the lost wax investment casting process provides greater accuracy with a high degree of design flexibility and allows for complex designs with intricate features. the lost wax investment casting process provides superb surface finish which allows customers to better manage production costs with little to no machining required.

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